No Better Feeling

When I was 12 I was finally allowed to ride a palomino on the trails through the woods across the road from our farm and down to the Oshawa Creek to go for a swim. There was a hill we had to descend to get to the creek and we had to literally lay backward on the horse to prevent the horse from pitching forward due to the slope. Once we were at the creek we led the horses into the water and held on as they swam in the water. I can honestly say there is no greater feeling than being on a horse as it kicks through the water. That was my favourite summer.

Recently I was asked if I wanted to photograph horses and their owners doing exactly this in Lake Scugog, Caesarea. I could hardly contain myself from jumping up and down. The day was hot and the horses really needed the cool down. While not actually riding on their back this time it really was the next best thing to be able to photograph these magnificent creatures. Thank you to Sweetwater Stables for the invite.